Saturday, February 9, 2019

Gamma expression ?

The expressions by Euler are presented below:

Sunday, February 3, 2019

A Tall Building

Consider a tall building to be built.
To a normal man if ground floor takes 2 months to be made then 50 floors will take 100 months.
But as the number of floors increases the complexities increase. Because of height.
Is there anything in nature that can be used to help compute complex things like making a tall building. Or facing the challenges of career growth or financial growth or improving relationships or just parenting well.
The above are the challenges a human face. He looks to nature to solve his problems. And he looks to his own endeavour to solve his problems.
I believe in mathematics and its role in solving problems of humanity.
There are two approximate formulas and one 1,3,6,10,15 . . . series developed by me.
I have an intuition that the above will help in solving problems like making a tall building.