Friday, May 29, 2020

Kudos to agm (Arithmetic Geometric Mean)

As I wrote earlier agm method was made by Lagrange. Gauss later extended its usage.
I did agm of #PythaShastri mantra 1,2,3,7,9.
I had posted about it earlier.
Today I studied hard and found an almost perfect geometric progression to augment my agm of #PythaShastri mantra 1,2,3,7,9.
The expression is 83.46(Gauss's constant) percent perfect.
I am not posting my expression due to fear of plagiarism.
But it is almost perfect.
Yesterday I again studied hard and found an almost perfect geometric progression to augment my agm of #PythaShastri mantra 1,2,3,4,5,9,10 for pi.
Again,the expression for pi is 83.46(Gauss's constant) percent perfect.
I am not posting my expression due to fear of plagiarism.
But it is almost perfect.
So agm of G and pi with #PythaShastri mantras have a lot of scope. At the least 5% or more. We all must remember that ISRO is able to make missions of 1% or 2% possibility a success. Let's give ourselves a chance and go forward in agm and #PythaShastri project. Let us all look forward to Dr.Abdul Kalaam dreams and try fulfilling them.
Good wishes, dear readers.

I hope to make it before 2021

My position in mathematics is not empathised with. In the social media.
I have plans to make it big in caricatures. Nowadays I don't have problems in shape and contours and shading different type of faces.
However caricatures of real faces is tough. There has to be accuracy. There has to be exaggeration. I don't have these qualities now.
But I hope to achieve them before 2021. I am positive that I will be able to.

Some make it big

I find it very sad that a few make it big in science and technology while a few don't.
Which few make it and which don't ?
I'll come to the point.
Someone who writes paper like ' Population analysis with Boundspeed algorithm ' or ' Computer aided seepage study in modern flats' or 'Extending Howard analysis to matrix form' etc. are able to make it big. While with my writing of 'Rational number series', I am not able to make it big.
My science and technology is of man and nature.
But others use man, nature and modelling for science and technology.
So modelling is my point of grudge.
In this context I wish to write that my expressions are of the type left hand side equals right hand side. Or approximately.
Yes, modelling is damn important. No need to really drill into very basics all the time. One just uses the relevant model for a problem and extend it to other areas or just extend it.
Frankly, I don't have much knowledge in mathematics. Relevant theories or axioms or lemmas are unknown to me.
I feel it is my human rights to study Euler and Gauss. Just as person needs some butter in his daily food. Unfortunately the books are expensive and I can't afford them. Online library are not much of a solution. I have not tried them.
My point boils down to this.
My science and technology is of man and nature. I am not much aware of models.i.e theories and lemmas. But need to study Euler and Gauss. As a human rights.
Am I empathised? Or do you feel my case is a lost one?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Support needed

Agm of #PythaShastri methods result in approx values of constants.
Doubling is nature. How to use them?
Doubling numbers will double agm. What's the big deal may be said.
But you need #PythaShastri to treat doubling.
Mathematicians, you support me. I will use doubling. And together we can attempt constant values closer to actuals. 
What do you say?
(I tried working on #PythaShastri mantras, agm and doubling. Today i.e. 2020/05/23. My mathematical sense tells me that the result moved towards more precision. I tried on pi and G. I did not try golden ratio.)
(I tried working on the #PythaShastri mantra 1,2,3,7,9 and agm amd doubling and trebling. Today i.e. 2020/05/27. Gauss constant G is obtained till 10 places if mathematics of 'fun type' are used.)

Thursday, May 21, 2020

It is about pi and inches to centimetres

I had uttered #PythaShastri mantra 1,2,3,4,5,9,10.
And then I claimed #PythaShastri mantra 7,8,10 is another 1,2,3,4,5,9,10.
What does the results show ?
Bull's eye.
(25*agm(9,10))/(27*agm(1,2,3,4,5)) is approximately pi.
(40*agm(10))/(17*agm(7,8)) is approximately pi.
(27/25)/(17/40) = 2.54.
Bull's eye.
#PythaShastri mantras have fetched results using agm.
#PythaShastri mantras have fetched results using infinite series.
Have a nice day !!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Approximately the golden ratio

I had uttered many #PythaShastri mantras.
One of them is also 1,2,3,4,7,8,10.
Well (40*agm(7,8,10))/(87*agm(1,2,3,4)) is 1.618 which is the golden ratio.
Golden ratio is a tough one. I believe it is the most fundamental constant. People over the world are mad after this number. I became mad after this number after reading Dan Brown novel The da vinci code.
I had 1,2,3,4,5,9,10. I decided to venture into the golden ratio.
In Ranchi I got the pentagon and an infinite series. I moved up and up using Wolfram alpha. Many expressions came up. One copyright and four papers too.
The journey continues. Nowadays it is relativity.
To think about it Newton was really great. In India it is almost Newton everywhere. Terrific effect on education by Newton. He was damn great.
But then Einstein, Planck and others gave the world new idea. Which were true. Hence the Nobel Prize.
Prof. Hardy was great. Ramanujan was good. But I never knew this. Possible dislike for Ramanujan in most parts of India.
Life moves on. They don't comment here in India. I wish someone would write 1,2,3,4,5,9,10 is not valid. Or it is blasphemy. Or something. But no one.
Anyway, have a nice day.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Another hint of Gauss's constant G

You may recall that I obtained the approximate value of Gauss's constant G. If you have missed it, then here is the link. A hint of Gauss's constant G.
I felt privileged and considered it to be great honor to have got the approximate value of Gauss's constant G.
You won't believe it !! I got another expression of the Gauss's constant G. Approximate one like the earlier "a hint of Gauss's constant G". But nevertheless as sturdy and as beautiful as the earlier one.
The expression is
agm of (7 and 9)/(5*agm(1,2 and 3)) is approximately the Gauss's constant G.
Two approximate expressions. Two healthy, sturdy, beautiful expressions.
I welcome your comments.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Two chess ideas

1. Offense opening
2. Diffident defence

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Bihari babu (or) some small and some big (or) picking up tomatoes

First of all one needs to understand that fractions are most important. Right. When we pick up a tomato we do so from a lot of tomatoes.
Second is Brook Taylor showed us the importance of x, x^2, x^3 and so on. This is nature. One has to understand that. 1,2,3 and so on is not at all a fine way of looking at numbers. But x,x^2,x^3 and so on is. Fine. Let's move ahead.
Let's choose tomatoes like medium one then a larger one then one more larger and then more larger and so on.
Essentially x + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + . . .
The result is -x/(x-1). A sort of negative results.
Here is the Wolfram snapshot.

Let's choose tomatoes like a medium then a small one then maybe another somewhat medium then a small then maybe a large then a medium and so on.
Essentially x - x^2 + x^3 - x^4 +. . .
The result is x/(x+1). A sort of positive results.
Here is the Wolfram snapshot.
Needless to say. In the second approach all the tomatoes are likely to be used. And in the first approach only the better, best gets used.