Thursday, July 28, 2022

German Mathematics

It was an honor that I was able to see Gauss's constant with two of my theories.  Measuring Behavior.  And consecutive numbers.

I had written what are Functions.  They are meant for numbers.

Cosines are important.  But no one in UK shades a face like me. If you take my shading technique I digest the Maclaurin series. 

I have light bending ideas. Golden ratios. Consecutive numbers. Binomial. And more. Newton is digested.

Hall and Knight ideas. I have shared extroverted ideas, up and working ideas. And more.

Good bye UK. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Maths Olympiad issues


If you ask me which great mathematician is the most interesting from Mathematics Olympiad angle I would say Niels Henrik Abel.

The consecutive numbers theory of mine can be included in Indian Mathematics Olympiad. 

I have a grudge against the educational system but at the same time thankful to Hari Shankar Singhania for helping my dad with donation money. 

My deepest desire was and is playing with share market. Not much of education. 

I am good in puzzles making. IT puzzles I have demonstrated.  Good in JEE types too to some extent. Hall and Knight is my favorite book .

Good wishes to all !!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

My theory has consistency

There are very big names in sciences. 

Maxwell.  Heisenberg. Pauli. Planck. Einstein.  Sir Roger Penrose.  Stephen Hawking. 

I believe I worshipped Stephen Hawking. He is no more now. He visited India too. And it was amazing how the Americans worked overtime to make possible that Stephen is able to express himself. Must have been a boon to Stephen. 

Penrose said observing light bending is intelligence.  I believe I can do that. Penrose also said that mathematics is not enough.  You need physics too. Maybe I don't have that.

If you observe, Newton was amazingly God like and mixed mathematics,  physics, gravity, 90 degrees, functions to give us science like no other. Cartesian coordinates have been accepted around the world as a means of education. 

My mathematics and my mental pictures are consistent.  Maybe scientists do not realize.  It has golden ratio theory driven structure.  Maybe my theory do not fetch something concrete but I maintain that they are okay for kids all over the world.  All the kids of the world are mine. They are of Jesus.  They are of Shiva.

Perhaps you need to reach Gauss.  Perhaps you need to reach Euler.  Perhaps you need to reach Cauchy. Perhaps you need to reach Taylor. 

I have no idea what are the reasons why I am not accepted.  

Cartesian coordinates have limitations.  Do people realize?

Monday, July 25, 2022

In Delhi currently


I am in Delhi currently.  I shall be here for a fortnight or so.

Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsv is being celebrated and I feel proud of it. I wish I could be more useful to the vibrant Bharat. Freedom from staticness should be our vision and mission.  

I plan to eat aloo tikki, chole bhature and kulcha chana in these days.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Final call on Prime Numbers

I have the following to say on prime numbers.

Hope you have a nice day !!

Monday, July 11, 2022

On prime numbers generator


So these are the things I have in mind for prime numbers. 

Have a nice day !!

Friday, July 8, 2022

About numbers

Numbers are confusing.  But they are magical.  It can motivate a person. Suppose someone says I shall pay 500 rupees if you fill up my Aadhar card form. Then you get motivated to fill up form. So God is okay with numbers. And of course the fact that Stephen Hawking wrote "God made integers" stresses the fact that God is okay with numbers. 

This post is because I feel criticism in the air about numbers theory that I have. I want to clear myself with irrelevant thoughts that float in air.

I find three things intriguing about numbers.

1. Plus one. Plus one is added to number to get the next number. 

2. Even numbers.  Even numbers are actually the number system only ; thing is 2 is multiplied to each of the numbers. 2,4,6,8,. . .  are but 2 into 1, 2 into 2, 2 into 3, 2 into 4,. . . .

3. Prime numbers. 

The number system I follow is fingers. So the following are my explanation. 

1. Plus one. Next finger. Reciprocals of 3 consecutive numbers which stresses numbers following the earlier number.

2. Even numbers. Reciprocals of four consecutive numbers which gives (2n+1).

3. Prime numbers.  Rational number series do fetch Prime number when used as Prime number generator. 

Developed countries possibly have advanced theories on numbers. I can think of only e to the power of i ×pi plus 1 equals zero. Plus one. Numbers.  But possibly more theories they have. 

So, the final result of the discussion is that I must explain and show more results in prime numbers.  But IIT Kanpur are doing great work in prime numbers. I intend to follow them and get gyaan. Tohfa kabool ho.

Have a nice day.  

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

About Zero

Non-Indians may not be aware of this.

India is considered the country which gave 0 (zero) to the world. Shoonyatha (zero) concept. Many educated Indians take this matter seriously and develop their own logic of thought and their own method for conversation. It is difficult to argue with these guys because they maintain a thought that nothingness is the basic truth. Many may get irritated while talking with guys following Shoonyatha concept.

Well, well. Let's move ahead.

Ramanujan (in the movie) had the theory that all numbers originate from 0.

To me 0 results due to mathematical operations and thinking over and on zero is a waste of time.

But then Euler gave the formula of e to the power of i into pi plus 1 equals 0. 

I request all to follow the Euler formula for 0 and not waste too much time on Shoonyatha concept.

I am presenting an expression below. Put m as any positive integer and still you get 0 as the result.

The expression in the denominator is of combination operation.

I am sure you like the above expression.

Have a very nice day !!

Constant e need not have trigonometric functions

Colin Maclaurin(17th century) came up with expressions of cosine and sine. The entire world is indebted to him.

Mathematicians during earlier era(17th century) wondered how to deal with square roots of negative number. The idea of complex number i were being explored. 

Now Euler was a brilliant mathematician who used the concept of cosine, sine and root of minus 1 and gave the world e to the power of i theta, an equation which is rated as the best equation so far by some internet communities. 

e to the power x of Euler, if expressed in sigma notation  starts from 0. Difficult to understand, isn't it?

I have a formula for e to the power x which starts from 1.

Here is it.

Many Englishmen will like the above expression of mine. Because the Euler formula which starts from zero utilizes the Colin Maclaurin cosine and sine series. And Colin Maclaurin is an Englishman and Euler is Swiss and Russian.

I do not want to create war like situation by commenting on Colin Maclaurin and Euler. Euler, my intuition says was a very nice gentleman. And Colin Maclaurin was from England, a country that ruled over India. My aim of this write-up is just to educate the readers how a small thing like 0,1 or i can make a hell of a difference. My aim is also to elucidate the beauty that lies in mathematics.

So, my e to the power of x formula has some value. I hope you liked it and like this blog post.

Have a nice day !!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

A Question ?


Wolfram Alpha supports to this extent

We can have a real big statement here in India. Gamma of n by permutation of 2n comma n summed up from 1 to infinity is pi by 3 root 3. It will be a big Jai Hind !!

Have a nice day !!

Monday, July 4, 2022

Seven reasons for Golden ratio

 First of all the following statement

The Poochi system or my way of seeing the Pythagoras theorem or the light bending phenomenon is also golden ratio based.

Apart from it, I have 10 statements of golden ratio supporting the consecutive number theory.

I have three infinite series on golden ratio.

I have two golden ratio transforms.

I have golden ratio symmetry theory which is a boon to artists.

My hour glass model supports the golden ratio.

So there are seven reasons which support my penchant for the golden ratio.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Symmetry power in my expressions

I have been blogging about consecutive numbers. It has resulted in expressions for constants. 

Below are two expressions of consecutive numbers theory.

And below are the results when we equate the expressions to golden ratio.

Hope you have a nice day !!

Expressions 4th July 2022

These expressions were presented earlier. Only thing is I have grouped them together.

I hope you like them.

Have a nice day !!