Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Triangles and Greeks

The triangle is a great geometry figure. The Greeks before Jesus were experts.

I have one theory in art. The triangle have to be accurate while the irregular or regular four sided polygon need not be. This helps in foreshortening in comic drawing. 

I have PDCA technical support in art.

I have cosine hatching. 

I have the advantage that cosine hatching strokes and perspective drawing techniques have similarity.

Clothes as a separate cartooning entity is of Lou Darvas.  I copy that because I paid money for buying his e-book.

Wish I can get money. But I do realize that you need to be systematic to make money. Not haphazard and throw ideas here and there.

Have a nice day !!


  1. Let us keep the ball rolling . . .
    Frankly, I believe in worshipping Archimedes. And that is my way.
    1,1 or 1 and 2 is the question.
    I believe 1,1 is of the time. 1 and 2 is of the sciences, arts, of progression in thoughts.
    The Fibonacci series has both 1,1 and also 1,2. Our neighbors Pakistan and Bangladesh are of time. So I theorize. India is of progress. So I would like to believe.
    And we expect a SAARC (South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation) meeting.
    Are you with me ?

  2. (e to the power of i into pi) plus 1 is zero.
    1 to 2 is 100 % rise. 99 to 100 is about 1 percent.

    Both the above works for me. Both are of Euler.

  3. 0 to 1. Infinite rise?

    I do not have answers.

    This finishes.
