Thursday, March 12, 2015

Improve Thinking

The CEO of Gazette Software Inc. developed an idea for improving software thinking. He understood the importance of for loops and he wanted to make a quality circle for improving quality of software developed by Gazette Software Inc.
He called five men under him. Udit, finance applications specialist; Naresh, materials management specialist; Kumar, personnel management specialist; Pradeep, publicity department specialist and Yogesh, manufacturing department specialist.
The CEO included, there were 6 men in the quality circle. The order was CEO, Udit, Naresh, Kumar, Pradeep and Yogesh.
The rule of the quality circle was; the CEO will give a seed number. Udit, being a finance specialist will increase the seed number by 10% and then approximate to the nearest integer and pass the number obtained to Naresh. Naresh should reduce the number obtained from Udit by 10% and then approximate to the nearest integer and pass the number obtained to Kumar. Kumar should keep the number unchanged and pass it to Pradeep. Pradeep should double the number obtained from Kumar and pass it on to Yogesh. Yogesh should multiply the number obtained from Kumar by 2 and subtract the number Udit passed to Naresh and return back the result back to CEO.
If the CEO began with 100, what is the number CEO got back at the end of 2 rounds?

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