Friday, June 15, 2018

#PythaShastri expression

I was wondering for last many years, how to handle  root 2, root 3, 2, root 5 etc. as a series. I was unable to get an expression.
Yesterday, I was thinking about the circle I get with a A4 sheet by tearing method. And I was thinking of half, quarter, one-eighth etc. as a series.
Then an idea struck me. Multiply half with one; quarter with one by root 2; one-eighth with one by root 3 and so on. This was what I seemed to be doing in circle from A4 by tearing.
What was the result in multiplying half with one; quarter with one by root 2; one-eighth with one by root 3 and so on?
The result till 1/(16384×root 14) was 0.80610075. Phi by two? Half of golden ratio?
Possibly. The curiosity of years got some peace as now I am able to understand root 2, root 3, 2, root 5 series. Multiply and invert with 4, 8, 16 etc.
Wolfram results do not support #PythaShastri claims. 0.806 it is till 1000. Not 0.808. But peace of mind has indeed been obtained, with this.

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