Thursday, August 16, 2018

#PythaShastri and Euler line

#PythaShastri and Euler line.
Results are :

1 comment:

  1. The results are similar for (2^(-3n))(comb(2n,n)) too.
    Since root 2 is involved in this (2^(-3n)) approach; meaning involving triangles; it proves beyond doubt that Euler line exists in a triangle.
    When I saw the video of William Dunham on Euler, I could not believe it. Euler was so great. Especially the Euler line.
    I hope a few American mathematicians are reading my blogs. I did not want to join the mathematicians group in Google+ because I am not sure whether my approach is mathematical. I have had formal education in Engineering mathematics, but beyond that nothing. Education in India is widely different. My father was in a private firm earning less. He could not have afforded post graduation. Looking back, taking loans would not have been wise too.
