Sunday, August 12, 2018

#PythaShastri Gamma Expression

#PythaShastri gamma expression. The Euler-Mascheroni constant.

I don't know whether the meaning or the expression is correct. Euler-Mascheroni constant is extremely subtle. However here is a screenshot of Euler-Mascheroni constant from Symbolab:


  1. I have put +,-.-,+,+,+,-,-,-,- and have obtained 0.42 something. And 1 - 0.42 is coming out as 0.577. And the further operations will only make the expression more precise towards gamma (γ).
    So, I think this set of operation is suitable with +,-.-,+,+,+,-,-,-,-, . . . . . . . . to give us 1-γ.

  2. Well. +,-,-,+,+,+,+,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,- seems to be better. It gives 0.5712 till 20 terms for γ.

  3. With rational numbers addition or subtraction Euler-Mascheroni constant can be reached. Like adding 0.006 etc.
    I have tried and am getting Euler-Mascheroni constant(γ) till 5 decimal places at least.
