Saturday, February 29, 2020

Tilted Heads

Drawing a tilted head was a major milestone for me. Now, I have gained some confidence in drawing them. Andrew Loomis book has many tilted heads drawing. But they were difficult to practise. Now, I am reasonably okay with them.
You may be aware that I have two books written by Andrew Loomis. Both of them hard bound. They are "Drawing Heads and Hands" and "Successful Drawing". These books are really great. Andrew Loomis has so much to write about. It is amazing. Of course, his drawings are just superb and he is a great teacher.
His quote "To learn to draw is to draw and draw and draw" stresses how important it is to keep drawing. I owe the 3d look in my caricatures to the teachings and method of Andrew Loomis.
I shall be drawing :-
1. More and more and more faces and tilted faces till I get accuracy and humor vis-a-vis a real face.
2. More and more and more hands till they look convincing.
3. More practices on perspectives.
4. More practices on light and shading.
All the above with pencils/ charcoal pencils. And the methods of Andrew Loomis.
Till then, here is wishing all the best to my blog readers.

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