Monday, March 30, 2020

My final destination

I have reached my final destination.
And the final destination is the ceiling function and the floor function.
It is difficult to explain in words. But the ceiling and floor functions explains everything to me. A yin and yang sort of concept (Chinese).
I can visualise everything in mathematics of 18th and 19th centuries. The modern mathematics is different. And there are so many fields in mathematics today. What I am talking of is sigma, serieses and foundations of calculus. And with respect to names; I am talking of Gauss, Euler and Ramanujan.
All of us are staying in home. Many think of economic revival. I wish to state this. Think of resources. Not economy. But resources.
I am doing sandhyavandanam with more gayatri japas. I have a military mindset and I believe prayers are easy and will be most effective contribution. My personality is like that.
Jai Hind !!

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