Saturday, September 11, 2021

And the negative. . .

We think of God when there are negative circumstances.

Many times we wonder why this happens? 

Also many over-react. A case may be of community but people go to police.

So negative is absolutely important. To solve many social ills. Let's understand negative. 

I present below two equations.  The two are related by 3 consecutive numbers and 4 consecutive numbers.

One is of pi.

The other is of golden ratio.

Pi is about positive and negative. 

Golden ratio one is about evil and God.

 (online Latex editor)

(MS Word)

Golden Ratio


  1. I do not think the nature plan of 3 consecutive numbers to 4 consecutive numbers is wrong.
    It is about giving a thought. Cognitive actions.
    I don't want people to go to police when society elders can solve a issue;for instance.
    Indians have to improve the perception that all negative are of evil origin.
