Monday, March 7, 2022

Convergence test

As I experienced convergence I had to discover why some expressions converge and why some doesn't.  

I made a formula or a method for convergence. 

I am an inventor and made two unbeatable music methods. One is in rhythms.  And the other frequencies.  Unbeatable because the rhythm technique using hands is actually similar to walking technique.  And walking is so natural.  And in the other the hand is trained to move according to frequencies.

But Indians are different.  Thou shalt not invent. Thou shalt only follow USA and UK. Thou shalt not defeat the Chinese. Thou hath a place in heaven if thou practice JEE problems. Thou shalt not question seniors. Indians think like this.


I am attaching a paper on convergence test. Though this paper is a static one, the vision of mine is dynamic and fast. Basically what I mean is if you increase the 4th term(or for that matter 16th term) and decrease the 6th term; and if a simple triangle 🔺️ property exists for the three numbers 4,5 and 6 or their reciprocals, then the expression convergence. 

Now Indians will say. Thou hath made a decent expression perhaps. But thou shalt give it free. Thou shalt not get training or exposure.

And Europeans just love ❤ these Indian thoughts!!

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