Thursday, May 30, 2024

my present history

Here is a photo of my room. Bose 500 (works only on electricity; 6 preset channels; alexa enabled): Philips Bluetooth speaker (has chargeable batteries inside; portable): Lenovo laptop: Wacom one drawing tablet. I use Lenovo laptop mainly for drawing purposes.  I draw using Microsoft paint and Clip Studio Paint softwares.

Mathematics- I believe one can get pi by 3 root 3 and other constants like golden ratio,  Euler Mascheroni constant,  Gauss constant if you follow "Rational number series ". But my idea of "Rational number series " stands rejected by major mathematical journals of India. 

Comics- My marwari type of thinking about alternate income is strong.  Later in my life I plan to get in touch with Delhi comic publishers or Chennai Comic publishers and do Comic work. If that fails, then Plan B. Do internet comics on Webtoon.

Dafli Rhythms- This is Plan C. My rhythm technique is of Penrose tiles.  I may get in touch with Bollywood music industry and try to become a rhythm master and assist music directors. 

SAIL- I believe SAIL should fully and absolutely focus only on Bokaro Steel Plant. Bokaro has the potential to be a global champion because of its products. Unnecessary focus on Durgapur, Burnpur and other units should be strongly avoided.

Thanks for hopping in my blog. Have a nice day !!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

what should one do

We are all social animals. Some want to improve processes in Indian society, Indian system and in oneself.

But then a young Indian (from whom we expect a lot) might be confused. What should he really aim for?

I suggest he should aim for PDCA cycle in his activities.

PDCA is very similar to flowcharts. That is what is so important. A flow chart has a parallelogram(Plan), a rectangle( Do and Act) and a diamond (Check).

I asked the following question to Google AI. Is flowcharts of PDCA cycle. The answer is Yes.

Here is the screenshot and the Google AI answer.

The Japanese Quality concepts are "Vague", "Emotional", "Social". But they claim that quality has to do with robustness (Genichi Taguchi) in methods.

The problem with Modi is he has paved the way in general. Meaning to all the people in India. But he is not more specific. For example "Art can be a source of earning". We expect him to pave way for Manga, Webtoons here in India. He is not doing it. Another example "Nature approved scholarship". We expect him to pave way in science projects, engineering projects here in India for nature approved theoreticians with practicality. He is not doing it.

Maybe Modi 3.0 will pave a way. I personally am keeping my fingers crossed.

I don't think it is easy to decipher me. I am close to Taylor series. Taylor series as such is of right triangle, factorials and (x-a)^n. But there is one point missing. They are of consecutive numbers too.


1 0

1 0 0

1 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0

At any row, the number of 1s exceed number of 0s by one number. Which essentially means they are consecutive.

Also I did a lot of work in combination(2n,n), The partial sums of combination (2n,n) is also simple. Though approximate. Look at this  

There are two partial sums from my side. They make infinite series easier. 

My bhakti is for Virgin Mary who gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem. 

Let the far Asians come up with two original partial sums.