Saturday, August 31, 2024

1 percent error in calculator range

 I have modified my earlier formula and it now fetches result in the calculator range to 1 percent. Given below is the screenshot of the formula

And the Wolfram Alpha screenshot to confirm 1 percent error claim.

Have a nice day !!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

general approximate 2n factorial formula

I hereby submit my approximate 2n factorial formula

It calculates 2n factorial till 2n is 0.1 million or 1 lakh.

Any more improvements, if any will be done to this formula only. And that is what I have thought about.

Have a nice day !!

Friday, August 23, 2024

light at the end of tunnel

 You may be aware that I made a formula for (2n)!. It was (2n) factorial was approximately equal to (((n+1)(n+2))/2)^n. Here is the link

It was a crude formula and the result was not accurate. 

So I posted a query in Wolfram Alpha to plot (((n+1)(n+2))/2)^n divided by (2n)!. The resultant graph seems like a half binomial distribution graph. Half bell graph. 

As the graph is known to us the formula (((n+1)(n+2))/2)^2 can be made more accurate. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Factorial Formula

If you thought factorials of decimals and integers can be found out only by integral of e or integral of log functions, think again !!

Here is a formula which uses summation till infinity and still finds factorials of decimals and integers. How about that ?

This formula is very liked by me also because I did an experiment to derive it.

(I had done this formula earlier and have made a blog post. In this blog post I have reframed the expression in some other manner)