Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mathematical Philosophy continues

Before one takes any step one should outline steps of thinking. The deepest steps of my thoughts are:
1. There is zero. Vortex. Gravity or human driven.
2. There is basic c. Complex number center.
3. There is z. Human complex interpretation.
4. There is area. The beginning.
1. There is zero. Vortex. Gravity or human driven.
2. There is basic c. Complex number center.
3. There is z. Human complex interpretation.
4. A division. 2 and 2. Or 1 and 1. Bi-directional.
1. There is zero. Vortex. Gravity or human driven.
2. There is basic c. Complex number center.
3. There is z. Human complex interpretation.
4. A delta triangle. 3 and 1. 3 are sides. 1 is direction.
All the three are important. And are sort of recursive.

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