Monday, January 15, 2024

What is an infinite series?

Infinite series is about convergence.  To me. However,  Ramanujan worked on divergent series too and has possibly come up with astounding results.

Imagine you are standing in a dark room with a torch light in your hand. If you switch on the light and sway around you see what is there in the opposite wall. The portrait of your late father. The statue of Shiva. 

Now imagine you are standing in the same position with a flower in your hand and darkness everywhere.  Now can you throw the flower on the portrait of your late father? Can you throw the flower on the statue of Shiva?

You may not be able to.  Why?

Because of divergent behavior of the flower motion. And also, most importantly the absence of light.

I have convergence built in my system and so am able to see the portrait of my late father. So to say. Or the statue of Shiva. So to say.

If you think otherwise or if you have doubts or if you are not clear in the reasoning you can do so by commenting below.

Thanks for hopping in.  Have a nice day!!

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