Friday, October 11, 2024

A nature blessed human

In this blog post, I am outlining some mathematics so that a human being is able to lead a nature blessed life. What is nature blessed life? It is not a technological driven life but a life lead on nature's golden ratio and natural electricity. It is more of nature's positives and negatives than a technological induced positives and negatives. It is about sadness and happiness inside mind happening due to nature laws. The day and night of our lives.

Wallis, Newton,  Taylor and Maclaurin have shaped our lives for centuries.  The human about to take a step in the familiar gravity affected earth.

My blog post is on the above paragraphs.  I have utmost respect for English philosophy and I am deeply involved in Sir Roger Penrose thoughts.

First of all, I would like to say that my binomial which start from 1 (one) are indeed nature blessed.

Secondly, I want to say that humans do compare IQ, strength, contentment and other nature blessed traits. These are of binomial distribution.  And therefore these two expressions are important. 

Thirdly, we compare ourselves with the best. With Einstein, Alon Amit, Gates, Barenghi, Jung Gi etc. And therefore this equation is important. 

The fourth point is about our selection. Our contentment. Our happiness.  Our greed. And therefore the below expression. 

This is how I think. And thought let me share my thoughts. 

Have a nice weekend.  Enjoy your days of weekend  !!

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