Monday, February 3, 2020

The crucial difference

Colin Maclaurin gave the formula
1/(1-x) = 1 + x + x*x + x*x*x + . . . .
Carl Gauss too supports the above from his formula for sum of infinite geometric series.
Then, I wrote
1/(n-1) = 1/n + 1/(n*n) + 1/(n*n*n) + . . . .
In the first case putting x as 1/n will make the left hand side equal to the right hand side.
In the second case n is meant to be positive integer for the left hand side to be equal to the right hand side.
Colin Maclaurin and Carl Gauss were telling us about the truth of nature and the world.
I was thinking of positive integers.
There is a small but a vital difference in the two.
And the crucial difference is complex functions.
I wrote about Ramanujan theta functions being the product of two difficult to quantify things like conscience and quality. I wrote it is up and working. I also wrote that there is no two. As no two things are similar. Things like these are the crucial difference.
The masters like Colin Maclaurin and Carl Gauss are perfect. We need to follow them.
And I need to make complete statements. Like
1/(n-1) = 1/n + 1/(n*n) + 1/(n*n*n) + . . . . are of positive integers.
Stephen Hawking wrote "God created integers". To me integers are creations of God, then.

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