Monday, September 12, 2022

. . . . and 4 consecutive numbers

The 4 consecutive number model satisfies only one expression. Not three as in 3 consecutive number expressions posted in my earlier blog.

And that is

And below are the Wolfram Alpha tested screenshots to verify that the expression is correct.

I would like to stress the following points for Modi government to consider for inclusion of consecutive numbers in curricula.

1. Mathematics should not be restricted to scientists and engineers only. Commerce, arts, diploma, fine arts, music students should also know mathematics. And consecutive numbers are interesting, important and effective mathematical knowledge piece.

2. Consecutive numbers theory are nature driven. Examples from nature can be given.

3. Reciprocal of consecutive numbers say a lot on number systems.(I have already written about it)

4. Finite addition of consecutive numbers result in consecutive numbers

5. Finite product of consecutive numbers result in gamma function.

6. Consecutive numbers theory are closely associated with golden ratio

7. Infinite series can be taught to commerce, arts, diploma, fine arts, music students .

8. Important mathematical constants like pi, phi, e, gamma, Apery constant, Catalan constant, Gauss constant can be learnt from consecutive number model.

9. Binomials can be learnt from consecutive number method.

10. Last but not the least, students having consecutive number knowledge will feel like lions and not shy domestic cats. The personality and ability of the students will improve and the students will roar and bring India to top position.

I beg to Modi government to include consecutive numbers or Rational number series into our curricula. My papers are with JETIR which is Gujarat based. 

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