The last 3-4 months were very difficult for me. In my mathematical frame of mind. I had done constants, approximations, binomials and little combinatorics. But the Indian mathematics ether in India kept me disturbing.
It all started when I worked on approximate (2n)! formula. This formula could calculate approximately decimal factorials too. Because it could calculate decimal factorials approximately, I made a blog post of Approximate integrals. And because I talked of integrals, I extended my thoughts to 'Qayanat' calculus. And then I went into Newton calculus and Leibnitz calculus.
I am up to 95% clear in Newton calculus. But not so with Leibnitz calculus.
Then my thoughts moved to Euler and the complex number i. And the work of Euler in Taylor/Maclaurin series.
I am awed by the work of all the above mathematicians and told myself that they were all so superb.
Now these two below are giving me peace. Differential of e to the power mx. Integral of e to the power mx. And I have equated them to sigma till infinity expressions.
Putting m as i will give you Euler thoughts.
Putting m as a(a+1)/2 gives my thoughts.
Then what happened to my 'Qayanat' calculus? Well, I do not think 'Qayanat' works as functions. 'Qayanat' is a reality. If mathematicians are interested to understand 'Qayanat' my way, then they can call me for a talk.
And if you want the world to be represented as functions, then there is nothing better than Newton calculus.
Happy new year to my blog readers !!