Wednesday, June 26, 2013

In Step With Windows Phone - All the Time !!

Imagine a game where you have pressed the 'Start' button. The demon is up. He has been up the moment you pressed 'Start' button. The game now will never end. What you want to sleep? The demon may not want to sleep. The moment he wants to sleep, you too can. But otherwise he is always there. He will be always there.
The mobile may be treated the above way. You can have accounting, diary, blogs, calorie counter, rss etc all running up. The moment you fail to enter some information it goes haywire. Maybe you are unable to account for your weight gain, because you never fed in details of chips packet you ate in the calorie app. Or maybe unable to explain the bulge in your purse. Or maybe you feel incomplete because you missed entering some information in diary. Welcome to the modern world !!
There is a beautiful app called Counters in windows 8 phone.  It steps up or steps down by 1 everyday. Also you can step up or step down by 1 manually. Let us say, you plan to stop alcohol by 15th August, 2013. In the counters app you create a counter. You enter "Stop Alcohol" and enter date 15th August, 2013. That's all !! You can pin this counter to your start screen. The Counter in the screen will show "15th Aug 2013 ; 49 ; Stop Alcohol". The next day it will show "15th Aug 2013 ; 48 ; Stop Alcohol". It can be used as also "27th Jun 2013 ; 1 ; Did Jogging". Tomorrow it will be "27th Jun 2013 ; 2 ; Did Jogging".  If you missed then reduce number manually.
The above is a brilliant app of Windows 8.


sm said...

useful information

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

Welcome back, again.
It gives immense pleasure that you found the information useful,sm.