Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Apps deployed, developed in Visual Studio 2013

I have developed apps for Windows phone and Workstation in Visual Studio 2013 as a Hub App.
The Apps currently has default texts in it. I propose to change the text suitably at a later date. I am satisfied with this solution as this is what is my only need expected of an App. However, I have developed Windows Desktop Apps earlier and posted it as a tile in Workstation. But this app is a metro style app which is an altogether different subject.
The template designed apps were for the feeds from my blogs. These were developed in App Studio of Microsoft which was accessed online.



The tile with a cross is the Hub App developed in Visual Studio 2013 and transferred to the phone automatically by connecting it through USB. The other apps on its left and right are the Apps developed in App Studio. One has Blogs feeds. Another has Comments in blogs feeds.

Photos relevant now are:-


Friday, February 20, 2015

App Ideas

This is an idea for an app on mobiles.
One cannot escape thinking. If we concentrate hard then we will realize that our thoughts are also repetitive. Normally at the seconds level we have fear, love, hate, distaste etc. At minute level we have our animal instincts of hunger, addictions etc. When it comes to an hour, our personality comes into play. What we are about? And so on ....
I am sure we shall not be the same always and we shall be changing. The list above if looked 6 months from now will be different than what it is now.
I have also provided a level indicators below. How many marks I give out of 5 for the entity under consideration.
This app may require a database for proper working. To store results once in a month. Also it needs a touch based programming to implement the level indicators. I am not familiar with touch programming. The mobile app and phone app I developed required only insertion of feeds. No more.
To do this program in Windows technology will need Silverlight and latest Visual Studio. Also Azure services may have to be subscribed for storing information.
But I am confident that this app if developed will sell well and I can make money. What do you think?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Self Guidance Towards Practical Achievement

It is easy to imagine that you are Carl Lewis(world ranking athlete) or R K Laxman (famous Indian Cartoonist) or Chandrasekhar Subrahmanyam (Indian Nobel Prize Winner). But when it comes to reality you may be far behind them in terms of achievement. But then, that is how our thinking is. One is not able to think otherwise and a man is in chains and can think only in this narrow way.
How much correct am I in writing Carl Lewis first, R K Laxman second and C Subrahmanyam third? To me, I am 100 % correct that Carl Lewis comes to my mind first. My feeling of my body is thus. But in reality I can never do a 100 m dash within 12 seconds or so.
The result of such thinking is that frustrations can creep in easily. One will be disappointed most of the time.
This blog post is about the difference in thinking and reality achievement. And how we can achieve targets attained by experts. Is there an alternative thinking? Or maybe some goal like 100 m in 20 seconds which gives same satisfaction as a Carl Lewis run?
The aim here is to attain peace and I am planning to note down points as and when something significant creeps up.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blogs, Apps and Devices

I have perfected my apps to show cartoons and also links to videos.
I had to get cartoons from my cartooning blog site as a feed. The way I did for my other sites. For my videos, I did something else. I opened an account in flickr.com. I uploaded my dafli videos. Then these two were also subscribed as feeds.
Also I managed to make my cartoon as a live tile photo in Nokia 1520.

My personal laptop also has this app. I am inserting the screenshot of my laptop.

I have developed apps in my android mobile too. Here are the screenshots.