I have developed apps for Windows phone and Workstation in Visual Studio 2013 as a Hub App.
The Apps currently has default texts in it. I propose to change the text suitably at a later date. I am satisfied with this solution as this is what is my only need expected of an App. However, I have developed Windows Desktop Apps earlier and posted it as a tile in Workstation. But this app is a metro style app which is an altogether different subject.
The template designed apps were for the feeds from my blogs. These were developed in App Studio of Microsoft which was accessed online.
The Apps currently has default texts in it. I propose to change the text suitably at a later date. I am satisfied with this solution as this is what is my only need expected of an App. However, I have developed Windows Desktop Apps earlier and posted it as a tile in Workstation. But this app is a metro style app which is an altogether different subject.
The template designed apps were for the feeds from my blogs. These were developed in App Studio of Microsoft which was accessed online.
The tile with a cross is the Hub App developed in Visual Studio 2013 and transferred to the phone automatically by connecting it through USB. The other apps on its left and right are the Apps developed in App Studio. One has Blogs feeds. Another has Comments in blogs feeds.
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