Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Heart, Brain, Pi water and the Body

I believe our brains work like optical fibers. Also they are affected by heart beats.
Normally when you daydream or have deep interest in subjects like music, philosophy or art your heart gets affected. It drives the brain. Then brain reacts to this deep interest. Pi water reflects this reaction of brain and changes the body. Body understands and then a feedback loop type of chain is formed.
At certain times light affects heart and magnetism in blood splits the light. Like Zeeman effect. In this case the brain becomes very highly reactive due to this heart driven split. Pi water too reacts very highly. Body then spins and hands may be hyper-active. During this stage of brain activity, Pi water reaction and body form an unbeatable loop causing "discoveries".

(This article requires medical citation.)


Destination Infinity said...

I guess it's only the brain which thinks and feels. Heart just beats and regulates blood flow :)

Destination Infinity

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

Maybe that is the way.
But heart does feel jealous on seeing good sights. And then Buddha was moved to such an extent on seeing an ill man, dead man.

sm said...

interesting one have to read again

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...
