I have bought a 5 feet barbell bar and two 7.5 kg weights. This cost me Rs.900. I bought them yesterday from a local sports shop. I have kept them in the car. The lift was not working yesterday and so I could not take them to my third floor apartment.
Barbell has its own properties. Both the hands move simultaneously, bringing in disciplined movements.
The exercises planned are :-
Barbell has its own properties. Both the hands move simultaneously, bringing in disciplined movements.
The exercises planned are :-
- Chest Press
- Squats
- Deadlifts
- Chin level lifts
- Barbell Rows
- Military Press
- Biceps curls
- Triceps Back curls
- Chest Press
- Squats
- Dead Lifts
- Left hand dumbbell rows
- Right hand dumbbell rows
- Military Press
- Biceps Curls
- Triceps Back Lifts
- Two sets of leg cycling
- Two sets of leg raises
Whey Protein. Regular food.
Jogging on a few days shall be included depending on mood, timings and other issues.