Sunday, February 28, 2016

Exercise Schedule Planned

I have bought a 5 feet barbell bar and two 7.5 kg weights. This cost me Rs.900. I bought them yesterday from a local sports shop. I have kept them in the car. The lift was not working yesterday and so I could not take them to my third floor apartment.
Barbell has its own properties. Both the hands move simultaneously, bringing in disciplined movements.
The exercises planned are :-

  1. Chest Press
  2. Squats
  3. Deadlifts
  4. Chin level lifts
  5. Barbell Rows
  6. Military Press
  7. Biceps curls
  8. Triceps Back curls
  1. Chest Press
  2. Squats
  3. Dead Lifts
  4. Left hand dumbbell rows
  5. Right hand dumbbell rows
  6. Military Press
  7. Biceps Curls
  8. Triceps Back Lifts
  1. Two sets of leg cycling 
  2. Two sets of leg raises
Whey Protein. Regular food.
Jogging on a few days shall be included depending on mood, timings and other issues.


sm said...

congrats for new bars

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

I have kept them on terrace.