Sunday, January 9, 2022

Can my pi expression be the fastest calculated one?

This is the fastest pi as far as my knowledge goes.

This is my pi algorithm. 

Can my pi be the fastest calculated one?

Remember my expression is about combination by combination terms. And there can be simplification. Who knows I may have a winner algorithm.  Even third fastest calculated one is good enough.  There are three prizes in Olympics. 

If it were Tata and Reliance combined , they would bet on my expression!!


Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

My pi may not be original because of 2^(n+1) term.
Arithmetic Geometric Mean (agm) was actually the brainchild of Lagrange.

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

I remember Stephen Hawking write up on Lagrange. If my memory serves me right Lagrange is deeply admired by Hawking.

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

I think ramanujan, chudonovsky, gauss methods are more of fast convergence rather than quickness in reaching say 100 terms.