Thursday, August 4, 2022

Cycles of time

PDCA is a great cycle invented by Edwards Deming. And the great thing is he knew it was quality management.  

If you observe a little closer you will notice that Plan and Do are opposing each other. Check and Act are opposing each other. And a cycle is intended. If one is deeply involved in PDCA, quality improves.

Strength(S) and Weakness(W) oppose each other. Opportunity(O) and Threat(T) oppose one another. I believe if one is deeply involved in SWOT,  military mindset improves.

I was wondering how to describe SAIL management.  And what will work best for an average SAIL employee. On cycles of time.

Parliamentarians(P) and Voters(V) oppose each other. Diplomats(D) and Failures(F) oppose each other. I think if PVDF is focused on and one manages to make it a cycle SAIL will improve. 

Parliamentarians and Voters oppose each other? Yes. Voters say I voted for you. Give me this. Give me that.

Diplomats think they know it all. Failures think they are correct.

Most PSUs like BHEL,  ONGC, NTPC must be having business services. 

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