Friday, September 23, 2022

My portraits story

I took up to drawing faces because I was not with my family here in Ranchi. I am staying with my mother.  I have sufficient time and do portraits,  cartoons and caricatures. 

I do portraits because one gets to spend one hour of time. I do cartoons because I feel my sense of humor is high. I do caricatures because I feel I am good in drawing resemblance of a face.

I approach portraits in two ways. Both of them colored and not monochrome.  The first approach is only using Mont Marte skin colored pencils. 

The second approach is using Camlin poster colors and then when the painting is dried then using Mont Marte skin colored pencils. 

Both of them have been traced using Brolaviya mobile stand  and DaVinci eye app in HB pencil.  Though my resemblance in portraits is good (from the feedback got from readers) I reserve resemblance for caricatures.  I trace also because most of the subjects are VIPs and basic errors should be avoided at least in portraits. 

I would like to propose a theory here. What happens when an image is enhanced by changing colors by using digital image tools. I think the affected areas exhibit the property of water and not light. This statement of mine requires citation from scientists and experts.  However my point is; suppose the image is enhanced and suppose the affected area exhibit property of water. Then what? Then to me it means using watercolor.  Because there is water in watercolor. 

Well, that is one part.

Another point I wish to make is doing realistic Portraits nowadays requires no great skills. Only precision, being systematic and perseverance for long hours.  Great realistic Portraits take upto 7 hours of time. I cannot manage beyond 1 hour.

The reason I don't spend more than 1 hour is probably due to four reasons. 

1. Not sure of planes of face from the image because of two or more lights when the photo was clicked.

2. Not focused on perfection due to lack of focus and lack of training. 

3. Unable to render better 

3. Lack of patience 

There are three solutions to attain perfection in colored portraits. 

1. Using your own camera.

2. Finding a guru or sitting with young realistic artists and doing a project together. 

3. Using a 24 skin colored pencils set instead of the now 12 pencils set.

Do you feel differently? Would you like to say something?

Please let me know. 


Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

Nestor Canavarro is so good.
Adi Nugroho is so superb.
Feel like worshipping their art works. Amazingly outstanding.

Pooja Mahimkar said...

Nicely done

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

Ohh thanks Poojaji.