Sunday, November 12, 2023

Celebrating Diwali in Delhi

I am in Delhi to celebrate Diwali. My mother is in Ranchi. And I shall join her in two days time.

I have been thinking about hypergeometric functions all the while.

1. The ruler need not be straight.  It could be curved. And curved in 3d.

2. Whether angular momentum concept arises because of 1,x,x squared,  x cubed . . . 

3. Or whether angular momentum arises because of a+1, a+2, . . . 

(I guess because of a+1, a+2, . . . as then it supports Taylor series . This will give fillip to my consecutive numbers concept. If such is the case I can then avoid learning angular momentum and concentrate on consecutive numbers. And also concentrate on differential equations part)

(Rangoli made by my wife here in Delhi)


Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

The light bends due to gravity. 1,x,x squared.
Our earth is lit.
Only then we count 1 tree, 2 trees by swaying our eyes.
So therefore a+1, a+2 are of angular momentum.
To me they are consecutive numbers.

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

Consecutive numbers are important.
But so are rational number series. After 1/2 whether 2/3 or 3/4 is an extremely important factor in human life.
Rational number series has been rejected by all major mathematical journals.
JETIR has accepted. Salutations to JETIR.

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

People may use n(n+1) as my master Gauss gave us.
(By the way Gauss received Copley medal. Did you know that? (SAW won all the medals one can think of. Copley, Abel, knighthood. Sir Andrew Wiles))