Thursday, November 3, 2022

Not enough possibly

I have two approximations methods. I thought these are very important and they explain human behavior. 

Newton was terrific and had two approximations which he brilliantly used. One in binomials and one in limits based dy by dx. Both of them talked of smaller than one and the fact that their squares become much smaller.

Newton was too bright and excellent.  

My approximations are a thumb rule sort of a thing.  Humans make thumb rules too. A sort of a guess. Let me not go to his house. It is 11:30 am and the guy must be in his office sorts.

My approximations will definitely help Indians in improving their thumb rules thinking.  

Jai Hind!!

1 comment:

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

It is while halving or doubling when a person approximates.
It is appropriate to have desire to be with one's family.
It is approximate.