First of all happy Easter!!
Today I recollected what I did in August 2018. I did this experiment with dumbbells and I realized I got something worthwhile.
Here is what I made a blog post of.
Well n by (n+1)! is really a great expression. It gives you any factorial. Yes. But the answer is not same when compared with Euler e or Logarithmic series answers. Nevertheless the answer is worth noting as it is quite accurate. Here are the Wolfram screenshots to review. These are self explanatory. 5 factorial is 120. Factorial of (1/5) is 0.91816. I get 0.91818.
Actually the results are accurate.
The other great thing is n by (n+1)! and it's series can be calculated using consecutive numbers.
Jesus has blessed me today. I pray he blesses us you all with his love . May he guide us all to understand oneself and the nature surrounding us.
Good bye !!