Thursday, October 15, 2015

Humble Knowledge

Bodybuilding is an ocean of knowledge.
I must begin by saying that I am not clear in Abs knowledge. Possibly a person's deep interest. Maybe laziness.
Basic Bodybuilding Exercises
Bench Press
A vertical forearm and a horizontal biceps and triceps felt as resultant in the chest muscles. It is a good inspiration for muscle geometry exercisers.
Willingness to work. To take pain. And a pleasure to do so. It is a good inspiration for workaholic exercisers.
Dead Lifts
The first step of a standing man. It is good for boosting interest in exercising.
Military Press
Proudly lifting a trophy won. It is hypocrisy. And I find it laughable. It is good for proud exercisers.
Basic Free body Exercises
Already explained. I like doing it. Possibly slavery and hard work. A pain to work. And a pleasure that you will get food. Simple animal instincts.
Push - ups
Not just your legs but your upper body together can make you walk.
Pull - ups
Not able to do it. Overweight possibly. Weak shoulders. Philosophy is Not just your legs but your upper body together can make you jump.
Improving strength in bodybuilding
Slow animation technique. Just like cartoon hands drawn in sequence lift step by step slowly.
Improving running
Improve breathing by Pranayama done vigorously. Do squats to improve leg strength.
Nobel Prize Level Bodybuilding Knowledge
Decreasing Primes number of reps in sets keeps the pain constant. As an example, if you manage to do 13 reps with 12.5 kg dumbbells. Then the second rep should be 11 reps. The third 7 reps. The fourth 5 reps.
Corollary to above will be Increasing Primes number of reps in sets keeps the gain constant. Do 5 reps. Then 7 reps. Then 11 reps. Then 13.


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