Thursday, December 23, 2021

Sigma and product equivalence

Here is the sigma and product equivalence expression .

Hope you like it. Have a great day.


Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

Suppose there are +s and -s in LHS. Then?
Then you separate pluses and separate minuses. And restart both from 1 to the number of pluses or the number of minuses as the case is.
When right hand middle and left hand pointing finger and middle finger is folded down; you don't have to teach that essentially 3 numbers are negative and seven are positive. These I believe are inbuilt in us.
This factor is what I call as "Fluxes". I have been in bad mood swings for the last three days due to this explanation. At last I have managed to understand and make a sort of equation.
These fluxes are responsible to teach us to crawl, walk and talk, I feel.

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

There is electric flux. And there is heat flux too.
I am in R&D of steel.
I am damn interested in moving up further with books, journals and discussions.
If opportunity is not given then I shall streamline my knowledge in electrical technology. On my own.
This is my immediate plan.

See, I am a man of intuitions. And this concept was maddening inside me for last three days. Then you can very well imagine how intuitive this piece of knowledge is. Operations changing, perhaps. Sigma to product.