Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Thank you World


I most sincerely thank the internet world for my new Wacom One Drawing Tablet with screen. It is my most precious possession till date. Bose 500, my pencils both colored and monochrome and my colored notebooks are the other precious items that I possess.

Wacom One is one great invention. And hats off guys. You people are just amazing.

Simply said a digital drawing tablet is 20 times more effective than using paper and pencils. Because of undo and layers in digital drawing. I am now 90 % familiar with the ins and outs of digital drawing and am extremely satisfied and comfortable working in Wacom One.

In paper and pencils, you can err. To err is human. But in Digital drawing accuracy is very very important. If you are one who likes being accurate, being proportional, being correct in light and shadows, being correct in colors; digital drawing is for you. 

Digital drawing is for me because I am more into being accurate and correct.

I shall try and make comics. "BEHAVO" is the title for the comics. This comic will teach young Indians correct behavior in a particular situation. But not immediately. It will take time. 

Have a nice day !!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Important results

I have been using ((mn+m-1)/(mn+m)-(mn-1)/(mn)) and ((mn+m)/(mn+m-1)-(mn)/(mn-1)) expressions. 

It is a great amount of surprise that these two fetch similar results but with a "phase difference".

Surely a case for research in India.  But I know the priorities of Indian bigs. They are okayish. 

Have a nice day!!

So there are three levels of freaks.

1. The to and fro in numbers sorts.

2. The to and fro in numbers begins from zero sorts.

3. The to and fro in numbers begins from zero and the zeroes are relative sorts.

Here is what I mean

Have a nice day !!

A 100% Edward Deming's chela

Edwards Deming is a quality guru. And I am his chela (hindi word for staunch follower).

I shall be using Edward Deming PDCA to try and improve the quality of my comic drawings. 

PDCA in action for human drawings 

PDCA in action for close up of human faces

PDCA using flowchart self questioning for background drawings. 

Have a nice day!!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Totally three expressions which may help in calculating partial sums

Now I have discovered two more expressions which can help in partial sums.

So all in all I have three expressions which help in calculating partial sums. So many infinite series are lot closer. And so is Jesus.

Intuitions and methods , both are now available to me. I feel good. 

Have a nice day !!

I have used the above partial sums formula to compute 1/2 from 1/3 terms. And also e.

I don't think our education system teaches beyond infinite Geometric series and Taylor series for infinite series.  

I feel very deeply that infinite series should be taught to class 11 and class 12 and BSc courses.  Partial sums methods should be used. Infinite series are the most predominant human thinking.  And not knowledge gaining. Because knowledge can be wrong.  But a convergent infinite series is not. Though I realize I am mixing philosophy with mathematics but I mean good. And am partially correct. 

By changing the plus operator inside the braces to multiplication symbol and restricting to k terms, we can get m to the power k. Not sigma from 1 to k of m to the power k when we have the plus operator. This is the Reimann Zeta functions for positive integers. 

A calculation towards the Basel problem 

And a calculation towards Apery's constant.

Similarly,  by changing the plus operator to multiplication operator in sigma 1 to k of m factorial we get only m factorial.

More on infinite series

I think I can get the Archimedes constant Pi and the Golden ratio completely with my understanding and my knowledge. I am now a master of these two constants.  These two expressions. 

Wolfram alpha is able to get convergent values of all convergent series. If it converges, you get a value they seem to be saying. 

Stephen Wolfram 

Have a nice day !!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

My philosophies of life

My philosophy of life is to make equations for mindsets and lead a life with a precision following the equation. 

I believe focus of Indians is the biggest problem with us. Many say lack of confidence.  But lack of confidence is a personality trait.  What I mean is being focused will give results which are useful to all of us in general. While becoming confident is important only for you.

Improving guts is another important thing for men. But guts should be improved only when your focus is correct.

My formula mindset doesn't die and I believe I can give a formula for both. Focus. And guts.

Focus should be imbibed by following the shape of pi symbol.  Top horizontal line. Two vertical lines below the horizontal line. Horizontal line is what had been happening to you in past and what is happening to you. And one vertical line is what you want from what is happening.  And the other vertical line is what you don't want from what is happening. 

Guts can be improved also from pi. But not the symbol. But the philosophy of pi. There are negatives happening.  There are positives happening.  And you be at the centre. Digest the negatives . Use the positives. But be at the centre always. The faster and better you do these three more is your guts.

Guys tell me in comments below as to how you find my formula.  Is it useful? Do you have doubts? Or you find them wrong? Or dangerous?

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Bolder and more accurate

I am moving towards more accuracy. With boldness. In mathematics,  in portraits and in practicing for comics.


I realized one can get partial sum formula for three consecutive numbers and four consecutive numbers infinite series of my form. Convergence test I already had. Now partial sums formula.  This is very very big. This means also that I am of the Archimedes constant Pi. Absolutely. Because now I can get pi till as many digits as I want with my abilities. 


I realized that the limbs of my cosine hatching can be and should be varying and should be controlled.  I am practicing controlling cosine hatching.  Above is my latest practice. 


If I get a chance in a comic industry and the publishers agree to give me a lead time of 6 months I shall join the publishers as an artist.  For six months I can help filling balloons with script in English,  Hindi and Tamil. And I can get into the groove of the comic style of the publishers. But I realize I am old. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


In my infinite series though I have a thumb rule for convergence test; I have no clues for partial sums and the limit of the concerned variable at infinity. I need tutoring for it. A guru.

In my portraits,  the results are realistic and not hyper-realistic.  I shade according to the planes of face closely following the Asaro head. Multiple lights, shadows, reflection from skin, wrinkles etc cannot be handled. I need tutoring for it. A guru.

In my comics,  my drawings are okay but relative positioning of subjects, emotions like anger of a father because son has eaten more ladoos are not happening.  I need tutoring for it. A guru.

I am not looking for fundamentals but solutions to the specific problem that I have addressed. 

As a self guru I plan to

1. Browse and/or buy books on partial sums

2. Immediately handle light and shadows while in the process of shading by keeping white and black pencils nearby.

3. Include PDCA approach in relative subjects drawings. 

Monday, February 12, 2024

Focusing on quality

I asked Google AI whether quality of drawings can improve?

The answer is Yes.

However it is doubtful whether I can reach 95 to 100 percent level. The best guys are there. I am at 60 percent level. And my aim is improve quality and not make errors.  

What I do in free time is do drawings.  I want to share some of the drawings I did recently. 

Realistic object

Portraits improvement 

Caricature practices 

Perspective practices 

Comic frame practices 

My aim is not make errors and be in my level.  This is very important,  I feel. 

Errors put off experts. Not knowing is acceptable.  But doing errors and then think it is correct is Satanism.  And Jesus told Satan that God should not be challenged.  And asked Satan to worship God.

Have a nice day !!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

An impartial analysis

This blog post is an impartial analysis of three areas that interest me the most.

I am very interested in film music. And am average in technical details.  Cannot compete with professional carnatic musicians and theoreticians. I like Ilayaraja,  ARRehman,  Amit Trivedi and a few more a lot.

I developed my cartoons and faces drawing.  I had free time and 3d in 2d paper came out for me. I am medium in cartoons,  comics and portraits.  I want to reach high level in comics. Do not know whether possible or not. I want to feel powerful and tell stories in comics form.

The three fingers and four fingers theory are not there in internet. Therefore there is no one who thinks like me. However theories and applications in golden ratio far outweigh the theories and applications in the three and four fingers approach.

Can a PhD, rich or the powerful help me; so that a common benefit would happen. Benefits like #Pythashastri,  golden ratio and three and four fingers in music, art and mathematics can accrue.

Have a nice day and a happy Sunday!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Deep Frying in oil

To a Bengali communism comes naturally.  While to a Tamil brahmin capitalism. Unanimity cannot be expected from these two gentlemen. 

I earlier wrote that consecutive numbers comes before golden ratio. Is it right or is it wrong?

Golden ratio is a philosophy of two numbers and is different than consecutive numbers.  

However 1.61803 and 0.61803 seem consecutive to me. Plus 1.

Because this was back in my mind, I possibly made an error. 

I am sorry for the remarks. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

A Safe approach

 Consider the below screen

So essentially 0 and 1 and also consecutive numbers are handled.

Jai Hind !! India is SAARC champion.

Have a nice day !!

Triangles and Greeks

The triangle is a great geometry figure. The Greeks before Jesus were experts.

I have one theory in art. The triangle have to be accurate while the irregular or regular four sided polygon need not be. This helps in foreshortening in comic drawing. 

I have PDCA technical support in art.

I have cosine hatching. 

I have the advantage that cosine hatching strokes and perspective drawing techniques have similarity.

Clothes as a separate cartooning entity is of Lou Darvas.  I copy that because I paid money for buying his e-book.

Wish I can get money. But I do realize that you need to be systematic to make money. Not haphazard and throw ideas here and there.

Have a nice day !!

My theory holds

My theory holds. Consecutive numbers are one step before golden ratio. 

0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13, . . .  gives golden ratio.  In this we do consider Consecutive numbers. 

Christianity supports golden ratio and 1 by golden ratio. And I though a Shiva in principles have the deepest respect for Jesus of Nazareth. 

I began with #PythaShastri and went ahead with Wolfram alpha all the way. I had the intuitions and Wolfram alpha the methods.  

Together humanity benefitted because of constants,  binomials,  combinations and hypergeometric functions. Over internet all these years. What DARPA started as an experiment is benefitting all of us. Can't believe this!! Silicon Valley is a dream , a career, a life, a lifestyle, a life meaning for many. For me too.

May Lord Jesus bless us all and make us joyful in many ways!!

Monday, February 5, 2024

The multiplication and the division

Here is an interesting results. 

When I consider an infinite sum it gives m into e. And when I alternately negate the infinite sum gives me m by e.

Interesting isn't it?

Have a nice day, folks!!

Meanwhile . . .

I made the latest equations of mine more interesting. I kept the first term and common ratio the same for both AP and GP and also I tried with alternate negation. Both fetched results in consecutive numbers.


Hope you liked the expression.

Have a nice day !!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

A new Kindle book

 I have ordered a new book in Amazon Kindle.  "Emperor's new mind" by Sir Roger Penrose. 

The book

A review of the book

What I believe 

I believe AI can never replace human thinking. 

Humans have been bestowed with approximations abilities. And approximate behavior is not the best approach behavior. Humans are expected to behave approximately right.  And are to get empathy for approximately correct behavior.  They are not expected to be disowned for not choosing the best approach. 

Sir Roger Penrose is my master. I have been looking for information in tidbits from his writings and speech. I don't have a guru. I am alone. And his writings are actually my way forward to life purpose.

Friday, February 2, 2024

My destination in Wolfram mathematics

Dear blog readers, there were no intention to confuse you over the years with my expressions made in association with Wolfram alpha.  My aim was to bring clarity in thinking and improving mindset with constants.

I am 55 years old now and had been expecting help from a PhD fellow.  Then I got into R & D. I have been using my free time in understanding nature plan. I shared the results.

I decided to make a final call. Meaning what I exactly mean at the deepest. Where is my bhagwan?

What I want to say is AP and GP together with factorial is important as an infinite series. 

So today morning I tried using Wolfram alpha and I thought let me share the results. 

Here we go.

I feel these are important results.  These I feel are my Taylor series. 

Have a fine weekend guys!!

Is 1.26918 important?

Here is what AI over Google has to say

Yes. 1.26918 is important.  In internet community. 

And consider this expression too.

Have a relaxing Sunday !!