Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Thank you World


I most sincerely thank the internet world for my new Wacom One Drawing Tablet with screen. It is my most precious possession till date. Bose 500, my pencils both colored and monochrome and my colored notebooks are the other precious items that I possess.

Wacom One is one great invention. And hats off guys. You people are just amazing.

Simply said a digital drawing tablet is 20 times more effective than using paper and pencils. Because of undo and layers in digital drawing. I am now 90 % familiar with the ins and outs of digital drawing and am extremely satisfied and comfortable working in Wacom One.

In paper and pencils, you can err. To err is human. But in Digital drawing accuracy is very very important. If you are one who likes being accurate, being proportional, being correct in light and shadows, being correct in colors; digital drawing is for you. 

Digital drawing is for me because I am more into being accurate and correct.

I shall try and make comics. "BEHAVO" is the title for the comics. This comic will teach young Indians correct behavior in a particular situation. But not immediately. It will take time. 

Have a nice day !!


Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

What is the difference between having limitation and being inaccurate?
Having limitation is like having a knife and you need to kill an enemy.
Being inaccurate is like having a pistol but shooting a wrong man.

Jesus accepts limitations and blesses the individuals having limited capability. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the God's kingdom.

So do not be shy of your limited abilities. Utilize some of the opportunities that are there, is what I would advise.

Kirtivasan Ganesan said...

When I wrote 90% familiar with ins and out of digital painting, I meant 90% of a child's level. And certainly not the 90% of a professional digital artist.
I wanted to make this clear.